Saturday, May 28, 2011

Opioid Analgesics: Peripheral effects of opioids

Opioids(opioid analgesics also) act mainly on the digestive system. They reduce intestinal motility and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is believed that the emetic effect of opioid agonist is partly due to their action on the vestibular apparatus.
Development of physical dependence to opioids(opioid analgesics).
Physical dependence is mediated by receptors. To opioids develops addictive, and thus to maintain the desired effect must eventually increase their dose. Tolerance depends on reducing the number and sensitivity of receptors. To remove the drug the number of receptors and their sensitivity to endogenous opioids are not sufficient for normal body functioning. In addition, opioids act on all organs, especially heart and skeletal muscles. Acute removal of the drug can cause convulsions and dysfunction of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, mainly due to changes in the level of noradrenaline. Can be observed and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, and (in connection with the impact on the perception of pain), hyperalgesia.

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